Today was the Christmas tree lightning ceremonie at Fashion Island, a shopping mall in Newport Beach. It is one of Orange County's most popular holiday traditions. The event included a song and dance performance by students of the McCoy Rigby Conservatory of the Arts, which was awesome and was almost comparable with a Broadway performance. After the show Santa gave the sign to light up the tree. I'm glad that we made it this year!
Unsere Erlebnisse für alle, die mitfiebern und die es interessiert, wie es uns ergeht! Aber auch ein "Diary", damit wir uns später an die vielen Ereignisse dieses Abenteuers auch erinnern! P.S. Wir leben seit dem 27. Mai 2007 in South California (SoCal)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Tannenbaumbeleuchtungsfeier / Christmas tree lightning ceremonie
Heute war die "Tannenbaum-Beleuchtungs-Zeremonie" (tut mir leid, mir faellt doch tatsaechlich kein besseres Wort ein...) in Fashion Island, einer grossen Einkaufsmeile in Newport Beach. Es ist eines der populaersten Feiertagstraditionen in Orange County. Die Veranstaltung beinhaltete eine Tanz- und Gesangsauffuehrung von Studenten des McCoy Rigby Konservatoriums fuer Kunst, welche unglaublich war und es war fast vergleichbar mit einer Broadway Vorfuehrung. Nach der Show hat der Weihnachtsman das Zeichen zum Anschalten des Baums gegeben. Ich bin froh, dass wir es dieses Jahr geschafft haben, uns das Spektakel anzuschauen!
Today was the Christmas tree lightning ceremonie at Fashion Island, a shopping mall in Newport Beach. It is one of Orange County's most popular holiday traditions. The event included a song and dance performance by students of the McCoy Rigby Conservatory of the Arts, which was awesome and was almost comparable with a Broadway performance. After the show Santa gave the sign to light up the tree. I'm glad that we made it this year!

Today was the Christmas tree lightning ceremonie at Fashion Island, a shopping mall in Newport Beach. It is one of Orange County's most popular holiday traditions. The event included a song and dance performance by students of the McCoy Rigby Conservatory of the Arts, which was awesome and was almost comparable with a Broadway performance. After the show Santa gave the sign to light up the tree. I'm glad that we made it this year!
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1 comment:
Ohaaaa, nur noch 32 Tage bis Heiligabend!
Hat schon jemand die ersten Weihnachtsgeschenke besorgt?
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