Friday, February 4, 2011 "Doubletake" - Official Super Bowl Ad

Kommenden Sonntag findet in den USA eines der groessten Sportevents des Jahres statt - Superbowl! Ich interessiere mich absolut nicht fuer Football aber ich liebe es, in den Werbepausen die allerneusten Werbungen zu schauen.
Unten findet Ihr zwei, die mich zum lachen gebracht haben ;) Viel Vergnuegen beim Schauen!
This coming Sunday one of the biggest sports event in the US is going to happen - it's Superbowl! I have absolute no interest in football but what I really like is to be able to see the newest commercials during the breaks.
Below you'll find two of the once that make me smile - a lot ;) Hope you'll enjoy it!

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