Wie bereits erwaehnt haben Herbert und ich einen Kurztrip gebucht. Am 23. Mai fliegen wir fuer fuenf Tage nach Chicago. Wir werden dort nicht nur unsere Freunde Bianca und Olli wiedersehen, die letztes Jahr von Hamburg in die USA gezogen sind sondern auch einen Punkt auf Herbert's "To-Do" Liste abarbeiten. Herbert hatte im Abspann des Films "Der Geist und die Dunkelheit" gelesen, dass diese beiden Menschenfressenden Loewen (sie sollen zwischen 35 und 135 Menschen gefressen haben) im Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago ausgestellt sind. Seitdem wollte er immer mal nach Chicago. Natuerlich gibt es in und um Chicago noch viel mehr Dinge, die wir uns anschauen wollen. Die vorgenannten Punkte haben die Entscheidung aber vereinfacht, wo es fuer unseren diesjaehrigen Staedtetrip hingehen soll.
As I mentioned before Herbert and I booked a five day get away. On May 23rd we are going to fly to Chicago. Not only that we are going to visit our friends Bianca and Olli, who just recently moved from Hamburg to the US but we are also going to check one thing on Herbert's "To-Do-List". Herbert once read in the final title strip of the movie "The ghost and the darkness" that the men-eating lions (they hunted down between 35 and 135 men and women) are on display at the Field Museum of Natural History of Chicago. Since than he had in the back of his head to go there on day. There are quite a few more things we are going to check out in and around Chicago while we are there but these two bullet-points made it easy in first place to decide where to go.
As I mentioned before Herbert and I booked a five day get away. On May 23rd we are going to fly to Chicago. Not only that we are going to visit our friends Bianca and Olli, who just recently moved from Hamburg to the US but we are also going to check one thing on Herbert's "To-Do-List". Herbert once read in the final title strip of the movie "The ghost and the darkness" that the men-eating lions (they hunted down between 35 and 135 men and women) are on display at the Field Museum of Natural History of Chicago. Since than he had in the back of his head to go there on day. There are quite a few more things we are going to check out in and around Chicago while we are there but these two bullet-points made it easy in first place to decide where to go.
Wir freuen uns schon sehr auf euch! :-)
Viel Spass! :)
An den Strand kann man da auch gehen! :) Und es gibt Plastikpalmen! LOL
Chicago ist immer eine Reise wert!
LG aus LA
Hallo Haby,
das ist ja ein tolles Geburtstagsgeschenk!
Wir wünschen Euch viel Spaß!!!
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