This morning my lovely husband woke me up with the words "Hurry up, we overslept". is Saturday! But we're early birds, so we stood up and enjoyed our morning coffee, after the walk with Rolo, Twix and Shy, in our sun room. While Herbert was going to pick up our third guest, Carly, I started to vacuum. For us dogs are a lot of fun - but sometimes they're also hard work. In the moment they change their coats - I don't even know while california dogs need to have a winter- and summer coat. I was done after about one hour (today I don't need to go on my treadmill). After this, I began to brush the dogs. At the beginning they always have a little fight about who's the first one. But approximately 20 minutes later no dog has the desire to go on. At the time when Carly arrived they started to play for a long, long time!
Spaeter am nachmittag fuhren wir nach Huntington Beach. Frank hatte, genau wie letztes Jahr, ein Osterfeuer am Strand organisiert. Dieses Jahr waren wir allerdings 'ne Menge mehr Leute. Jeder brachte etwas zu essen mit und Suse brachte sogar die Marshmellows mit, die ich letztes Jahr nicht bekommen habe. Von Melanie gab es unter anderem einen selbstgebackenen Erdbeerkuchen, der ihr ein dickes Lob von Herbert (dem Erdbeerkuchenfachkenner schlechthin) einbrachte! Danke an Euch alle - wir hatten eine Menge Spass und ich bin sicher, wir werden das Osterfeuer auch naechstes Jahr wieder anstecken!
Later that afternoon we went to the beach in Huntington Beach. Frank has organized, like last year, an easter fire. This year we a lot more people. Everybody brought a bunch of fingerfood and Suse even brought the Marshmellows I didn't get last year! Melanie brought a homemade strawberry cake, among other things, which Herbert found awesome delicious! Thanks to all of you - we had a lot fun and I'm sure, we'll do this easter fire next year again!
Mein erstes Osterfeuer mit euch. Und es war soooo schoen!
LG Heike
Sieht nach einem schoenen Abend aus. Schade dass wir so weit weg wohnen und gerade sooooo viele Kilometer hinter uns haben (-;
Wink aus dem Norden!
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